Insulating an Older Home: What You Need to Know

Insulating an older home is essential for keeping your home warm during winter. Learn what you need to know about attic insulation and wall insulation for your older home.

Insulating an Older Home: What You Need to Know

When it comes to attic insulation, it is essential to reduce the amount of heat that flows from a housing unit through the attic to cold outside air. This helps to minimize the energy needed to heat the housing unit during the winter. In hot climates, it is enough to insulate the attic floor, but in cold climates, it is recommended to keep the roof cover cold to prevent ice accumulations. To do this, rigid foam can be applied to the roof, spray foam can be applied to the bottom of the roof, or several layers of fiberglass or mineral wool slats can be placed under the cover.

It is also important to know if walls need to be insulated as well. When hiring an insulation contractor, make sure they pay special attention to the attic area and do whatever it takes to prevent ice accumulations and freezes. Cellulose should be placed all over the attic floor, starting with the furthest sections and going back to the exit. Poor installation can lead to moisture problems in the insulation in the future, so it is essential to choose a quality product.

Coatings are easier to install, but they also act as a vapor barrier to prevent moisture from entering the insulation and causing mold and mildew. Installing insulation in any way can create serious moisture problems and cause a series of issues, such as mold, rot, or other issues that can seriously compromise your health or that of your home. Rigid foam insulation is best installed on the outside of the structure, and then a coating is placed on top of it. If you end up adding insulation without doing a complete renovation, you run the risk of developing sick building syndrome (SBS).When selecting an insulation material, consider its R-value per inch compared to other insulators such as fiberglass, mineral wool, and burst insulation. In northern areas of the country (5 zones), EnergyStar recommends insulating the attic with a distance between 49 and 60 R$.

Additionally, a radiant barrier is an important part of any attic insulation plan, especially in hot climates.

Roderick Caughey
Roderick Caughey

Devoted coffee advocate. Passionate food geek. Subtly charming food specialist. Hipster-friendly beer scholar. Wannabe music expert.